Radiation Measurement Units-International (SI) System |
Activity 1 curie = 37 billion disintergrations per second. |
The Curie (Ci) is replaced by Becquerel (Bq) | The Becqurel (Bq) is replaced by the Curie (Ci) |
1 kilocurie(kCi) = 37 terabecquerel (TBq) | 1 terabecquerel (TBq) ~27 curie (Ci) |
1 curie (Ci) = 37 gigabecquerel (GBq) | 1 gigabecquerel (GBq) ~ 27 millicurie (mCi) |
1 millicurie (mCi) = 37 megabecquerel (MBq) | 1 megabecquerel (MBq) ~ 27 millacurie (mCi) |
1 microcurie (mCi) = 27 kilobecquerel (kBq) | 1 kilobecquerel (kBq) ~ 27 nanocurie (nCi) |
1 nanocurie (nCi) = 37 becquelel (Bq) | 1 becquerel (Bq) ~ 27 picocurie (pCi) |
1 picocurie (pCi) = 37 millibecquerel (mBq) | * 1Bq = 1s-1 |
radiation adsorbed dose,
A dose of 1 rad means the adsorbtion of 100 ergs of radiation energy
per gram of material
The rad (rad) is replaced by the gray (Gy) | The gray (GY) replaced the rad (rad) |
1 kilorad (krad) =10 gray (Gy) | 1 gray (Gy) = 100 rad (rad) |
1 rad (rad) = 10 milligray (mGy) | 1 milligray (mGy) = 100 millirad (mrad) |
1 millirad (mrad) = 10 microgray (mGy) | 1 microgray (mGy) = 100 microrad (mrad) |
1 microrad (mrad) = 10 nanogray (nGy) | 1 nanogray (nGy) = 100 nanorad (nrad) |
A unit of exposure to ionizing radiation. The ammount of gamma or x-rays required to produce ions carrying 1 electrostatic unit ef electrical charge (either positive or negative) in 1 cc of dry air under standard conditions. |
The roentgen (R) is replaced by coulomb/kg (C/kg) | Coulomb/kg replaces the roentgen (R) |
1 kiloroentgen(kR) ~ 258 millicoulomb/kg (mC/kg) | 1 coulomb/kg (C/kg) ~ 3876 roentgen (R) |
1 roentgen (R) ~ 258 microcoulomb/kg (mC/kg) | 1 millicoulomb/kg mC/kg ~ 3876 milliroentgen (mR) |
1 milliroentgen (mR) ~ 258 nanocoulomb/kg (nC/kg) | 1 microcoulomb/kg (mC/kg) ~ 3876 microroentgen (m/R) |
1 microroentgen (m/R) ~ 258 picocoulomb/kg (pC/kg) | 1 nanocoulomb/kg (nC/kg) ~ 3876 nanoroentgen/kg (nR/kg) |
roentgen equivalent man
The rem (rem) is replaced by the sievert (Sv) | The Sievert (Sv) replaces the rem (rem) |
1 kilorem (krem) = 10 sievert (Sv) | 1 sievert (Sv) = 100 rem (rem) |
1 rem (rem) = 10 millisievert (mSv) | 1 millisievert (mSv) = 100 millirem (mrem) |
1 millirem (mrem) = 10 microsievert (mSv) | 1 microsievert (mSv) = 100 microrem (mrem) |
1 microrem (mrem) = 10 nanosievert (nSv) | 1 nanosievert (nSv) = 100 nanorem (nrem) |